Agroecosystem analysis of Makiling forest reserve, Philippines /
Rex Victor Cruz, Herminia A. Francisco and Cleofe S. Torres
- College, Laguna : ERMP, Institute of Environmental Science and Management, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines at Los Banos, c1991.
- 95 [7] p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
- ERMP reports; 1 ISSN 0117 3251 .
ERMP is a joint project of the Institute of Environmental Science and Management, University of the Philippines at Los Banos and the School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University. It is funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Includes bibliographical references.
Forest resources--Philippines. Agricultural ecology--Philippines. Forest and forestry--Social aspects--Philippines. Watersheds--Philippines.