Diversity of orchid species in Barangay Sta. Emilia, Veruela, Agusan del Sur /
Maricar A. Salacinas
- 2004
- 37 leaves
Thesis (BS Biology) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2004
The diversity as well as the local use of orchid species in Barangay Sta. Emilia, Veruela, Agusan del Sur was assessed. Modified Whittaker sampling method was employed to sample species min two sites: primary and regenerated forests. Fourteen identified orchid species were recorded, four of which are endemic and one listed as endangered. Most of these species recorded are unique to the primary forest only and one species dominates in both. The species richness is high given that 14 species were recorded. Shannon-Weiner diversity value of 0.83 and Simpson?s dominance value of 0.18 for the primary forest showed that it still holds diverse composition of orchid species as compared to the regenerated forest with only 0.48 for Shannon-Weiner and 0.36 for the Simpson?s value. The species were evenly distributed to both primary and regenerated forests, as there is no significant difference in their evenness values. These orchid species are primarily used by the local people as ornamentals and minimally for economical purposes