Approximation of microbial load of beef using resazurin dye reduction technique /
Marianette Noelle B. Mesias
- 2000
- 25 leaves
Thesis (BS Biology) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2000
The validity of the dye reduction technique in determining the microbial load of beef was tested. Beef samples were swabbed using sterile template and cotton swab sticks and then dropped in a test tube containing 5 ml nutrient medium with 0.2 ml of 0.04% resazurin dye. The time of change from blue to lavender endpoint was noted. Simultaneous with this, the beef was swabbed and diluted in 5 ml peptone water. Dulutions of 10-4, and 10-6 were each plated in triplicate in nutrient agar. These were incubated at 37oC for 48 hours. Correlation regression analysis of the reduction time and total plate count gave a high correlation coefficient of -0.93. a regression equation of y=172.27-20.009x was obtained and a coefficient of determination of 86% proved that this can be used to predict the microbial load given the reduction time and vice versa. Using the formula, spoilage of beef as defined by International Standards can be detected within 12-13 minutes