Reconceptualizing proxemics based on social rhythm in the post COVID era for circadian entrainment : a study on student housing facilities in Davao City, Philippines /
Christian M. Miramon; Samantha B. Arbotante, adviser
- 2023
- 314 leaves
This research study recognized the need for a comprehensive discussion regarding the variations in Proxemics following the Covid 19 Pandemic and the significant roles of social interactions in Circadian Entrainment among college dormitory residents in Davao City.
The study discovered that a particular classification of people was not centered in a specific zone. Each classification varied in frequencies in every interpersonal zone which indicated that certain people were more likely to get involved in social interaction during a particular social activity of the day and suddenly declined in frequency when the situation achieved a specific social zeitgeber. The study further emphasized the need for improvement of the built environment of each subject area as the correlation results validated the monotonic significant relationship between variables of the built environment and the level of usage in every shared space. The results of the Correlational Analysis and the HIPAT Analysis which revealed the unbalanced distribution of agent control and privacy towards a shared space relative to the living unit, suggested a rational prioritization of equal distribution of facilities that address the basic needs of the residents on every floor level in future planning.
Human life depends on the personal development to connect with others. Architectural spaces that have a positive impact on student’s psychosocial development will not only provide student residents with a safe space but will also encourage positive socialization between them and the people that surround them.
Architectural Design IX: Research Project in Architecture--ARCH191 Architectural Design X: Architectural Design Project--ARCH192