Secrets for a successful dissertation /
Jacqueline Fitzpatrick, Jan Secrist, Debra J. Wright.
- Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c1998.
- xvi, 184 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 171-177) and index.
Writing the doctoral proposal. Getting to the topic and its focus. Writing the proposal. Reviewing the literature. Developing your methodology. Secrets checklist -- Choosing a methodology. Deciding which is best. What do you want to research. Mixed methodology. Secrets checklist -- Selecting committee members. Reasons for selecting each member. Beware of unreal timetables. When to replace a chair. Who fixes every last word. Over and over again. Secrets checklist -- Surviving the human subjects committee. Playing by the rules. Intentions. How not to hang yourself. Secrets checklist -- Collecting data. Tape talk. Be prepared. Interview challenges. What now? The concreteness of surveys. Survey and questionnaire decisions. Pilot studies/identified population. Types of surveys to expect. Secrets checklist for interviews. Secrets checklist for surveys -- Developing a support group. Can you fire-walk together? Be careful whom you choose. Loneliness happens. Dealing with emotions. Moby's sick--. Dorian is getting gray. Secrets checklist -- Getting organized. When everything is in pieces. Getting control of your life. Qualitative coding. Statistics. Hoops and troughs. How to avoid withering frights. Secrets checklist -- Using technology. Learning the language. What to do with floppity flops. Dealing with rebellious floppies. Statistical analysis. Qualitative coding. Getting a life. We can survive this challenge. What not to write. It's about time. Secret's checklist -- Defending the dissertation. Party hearty. The final hours. Celebration. Secrets checklist -- Avoiding sudden stops. Horror stories 1-10. Emergency appendectomies.