Examining the preferred attributes for online fresh food market in Davao City : a conjoint analysis /
Marvin Louie Orbeta
- 2017
- 62 leaves
Thesis (BS Agribusiness Economics) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, May 2017
The study entitled examining the preferred attributes for online fresh food market in Davao City: a conjoint analyst provided insight on consumer preference toward fresh food services used by online grocery. Fresh food items include meat, seafood, poultry, fruits, vegetables, and dairy. These food items are the driver of sales in food retailing all over the world. Respondents of this study were online shoppers for both non-food, food, and fresh food items. The researcher defined a preference model using conjoint analysis to determine the relative importance of fresh food service attributes and the combination of attribute levels that potential shoppers would prefer the most. Results of the conjoint analysis showed online payment service to be the most important fresh food service attribute for the respondents. This was followed by delivery time, delivery charge, online tracking tool, fresh food categories, and mobile services attributes, respectively. The cash on delivery payment was the attribute level that got highest utility score among all services attributes. It is a preference by Filipino e-consumers due to the lack of mobile banking infrastructure in the country. Based on the result of the study, it is recommended that a larger sample sized be employed to get more accurate and more useful results. Future online fresh food retailers would be able to convince more consumers to try fresh food when they use cash on delivery payment system, deliver within one hour, offer free delivery, use an online tracking tool feature, categorize fresh foods into specialized ?organic, natural safe? categories and create a mobile app for consumers to use.