Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress.
Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress.
Economic report of the President
- [Dept. ed.].
- Washington : G.P.O. : For sale by Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1987
- v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- Annual
- Jan. 6, 1950-
Some issues distributed to depository libraries in microfiche. Latest issue consulted: Feb. 2008.
Reports for 1996- are also available as part of the CD-ROM publication: United States. Office of Management and Budget. Budget of the United States Government (CD-ROM version).
0193-1180 = Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress = Econ. rep. Pres. transm. Congr.
United States--Economic policy--Periodicals.
United States--Economic conditions--1945---Periodicals.
EÃÅtats-Unis--Politique eÃÅconomique--PeÃÅriodiques.
EÃÅtats-Unis--Conditions eÃÅconomiques--1945---PeÃÅriodiques.
HC106.5 / .A272 1987
Some issues distributed to depository libraries in microfiche. Latest issue consulted: Feb. 2008.
Reports for 1996- are also available as part of the CD-ROM publication: United States. Office of Management and Budget. Budget of the United States Government (CD-ROM version).
0193-1180 = Economic report of the President transmitted to the Congress = Econ. rep. Pres. transm. Congr.
United States--Economic policy--Periodicals.
United States--Economic conditions--1945---Periodicals.
EÃÅtats-Unis--Politique eÃÅconomique--PeÃÅriodiques.
EÃÅtats-Unis--Conditions eÃÅconomiques--1945---PeÃÅriodiques.
HC106.5 / .A272 1987