Codinium morphology and germination of Cercospora hibisci tracey and earle associated with okra foliage and its reaction to different fungicides/

Cordenillo, Roda A.

Codinium morphology and germination of Cercospora hibisci tracey and earle associated with okra foliage and its reaction to different fungicides/ Roda A. Cordenillo. - 2007 - 37 leaves

Thesis (BS Biology) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2007

Cercospora hibisci associated with okra foliage was studied under laboratory conditions. Conidium morphology and germination characterstics of the fungal pathogen collected from three sampling sites namely: Cataluna Pequeno (Talomo District), Los Amigos (Tugbok district) and Balete (Marilog District) were compared. Assay of four fungicides on spore germination was also performed. C. hibisci has two types of conidia: unbranched and branched. Based on measurements of 50 unbranched conidium samples per sites, spores in the higher elevation of Marilog were smaller than the conidia from the other two sites. Number of septum ranged from 0 to 5, mostly 3 in all sites. On branched conidia, main body size did not vary with site; its number of septum ranged from 0 to 6, mostly 2 and 3. Branch structures were variable in size regardless of sites. Branching origin may be rom any cell of the main spore body. On water agar, germination of conidia was variable where germ tube may emanate from any cell of the spore and it was also observed on the branched spores. No spore germination was noted on water agar laced with propined, captan and cupric hydroxide at their recommended rates but spore germination on mancozeb and control were observed

Spore germination.

Undergraduate Thesis --BIO200,
University of the Philippines Mindanao
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