Studies on the micrcopropagation of Nepenthes truncata MACF. /

Doromal Enrico Raphael P.

Studies on the micrcopropagation of Nepenthes truncata MACF. / Enrico Raphael P. Doromal. - 2011 - 51 leaves.

Thesis (BS Biology) -- University of the Philippines Mindanao, 2011

Several experiments were performed for callus production, somatic embryogenesis, and control of browning of leaf explants of Nepenthes truncataMacf. Induction of callus and somatic embryos failed in all experiments, with browning necrosis of explants. Color rating of leaf explants and media were recorded instead to assess the efficacy of adsorbents, antioxidants, and plant growth regulators. Least explant browning was observed in Experiment 1 when 1000 mg*L-1 activated charcoal and 6 mg*L-1 silver nitrate was added to the callus induction media but callus. Increasing rate of explant browning was observed in Experiment 2 when increasing amounts of 2, 4-D and BAP were replaced as PGRs in the basal media. In Experiment 3, activated charcoal concentration was reduced and 200 200 mg*L-1 activated charcoal gave the best color rating for explants and media. Media containing NAA and TDZ (control) in Experiment 4 yielded best leaf explant color rating compared to those with 2, 4-D and BAP

Phenolic oxidation.
Pitcher plants.
Silver nitrate.
Vitro germination.
Explant browning.

Undergraduate Thesis --BIO200,
University of the Philippines Mindanao
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